Search Results
McFall-Ngai (U. Hawaii Manoa) 2: The Hawaiian bobtail squid - Vibrio Fischeri association
The Hawaiian bobtail squid - when science and nature collide
Nature’s Cutest Symbiosis: The Bobtail Squid | I Contain Multitudes
Glowing Squid | Science Nation
Hawaiian Bobtail Squid and Vibrio fisheri symbiosis.
The Squid with a "Klingon Cloaking Device"
The Squid, the Vibrio and the Moon
Host-Symbiont Communication during Early-Stage Establishment of the Squid-Vibrio Partnership
Symbiosis: bacteria and higher organisms
Colonization: Euprymna scolopes Squid By Vibrio fischeri l Protocol Preview
Bobtails + Bacteria = BFF
Hawaiian bobtail squid with shrimp prey